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Done/doing (Week of Jan. 20)


Done/doing is a recap of what we’ve done this week and what we have in our sprint plan for the week ahead. This post covers the week of January 20-January 26.


  • Continuing to do follow up calls with Californians around how they interact with State gov
  • Tested our CalGrants prototype with high school students and a guidance counselor
  • Talked to several Californians about their recovery process after a natural disaster
  • Researched our independent worker user story, including making a rough flow chart to try and figure out who needs to pay quarterly taxes
  • User tested and iterated on CalGrants prototype
  • Iterated on disability insurance benefits prototype
  • Conducted initial user research on a new “smart answer” content type
  • Upgraded the way we handle translation strings so we can support more languages
  • Deployed a lane closure API that remixes Caltrans data to make it geo-queryable
  • Got some good advice from Kin Lane to start each new API with public readme
  • Held Kick-off 2.0, reflected on the first ½ of Alpha, outlined goals for the next 6 weeks and got re-inspired for the second ½ of Alpha


  • Designing and planning for a field research trip to a wildfire-impacted area
  • Doing follow-up calls with Californians around how they interact with State government and synthesizing the findings to turn into user needs
  • Prototyping quarterly taxes and phone service discounts
  • Augmenting lane closure data with seasonal road closures and chain controls for in-progress user story on road conditions
  • Augmenting food bank prototype with new data sources thanks to @tomdooner, to spin up food bank API
  • Working with the great water quality advice we got from the Waterboard team, we’re going to spin up water quality APIs using available data
  • Whiteboarding with the team around content design for water quality and road conditions user stories
  • Documenting product feature ideas that we want to test and iterate on in the Alpha