We love sharing about what we do and exploring new project opportunities.
Email us at info@innovation.ca.gov.
Reach our talent team
We’re happy to answer questions about getting a job at the Office of Data and Innovation. Reach the team at ODI-Talent-Team@innovation.ca.gov.
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Public records requests
To get copies of ODI public records, email info@innovation.ca.gov. We will work with you to identify any public records that best meet the needs of your request.
Tribal liaison
ODI’s tribal liaison is:
Roberto Rizo, Legislative and External Affairs Manager
Email: roberto.rizo@innovation.ca.gov
You can also read our tribal consultation policy.
Media questions
If you’re a member of the media and have a question or interview request, email media@innovation.ca.gov.
Mailing address
Our mailing address is:
401 I Street
Ste 200
Sacramento, CA 95814
We check our mail weekly.
Email us at info@innovation.ca.gov if you have general questions or if you’d like to schedule an in-person meeting.