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CalData uses data to deliver better decisions, services, and outcomes for Californians.

As the central data team for the state, we empower people to use data. We build infrastructure, develop processes, and train people to better manage and use data. We want the state’s data use to be:

  • Efficient
  • Effective
  • Secure
  • Responsible

We’re hiring!

If you’re a data person who wants to make a difference, we want you! As part of CalData joining ODI, we’ve got a number of new positions.

You can find all our open positions on our Join us page.

More details about CalData, our positions, and how we work are available in our GitBook.

California’s Data Strategy

To help state departments use data well, we created California’s Data Strategy. We use a road analogy to illustrate the strategy. We must:

  • Build data roads
  • Craft rules of the road
  • Boost the drivers

Read the 2024 data strategy report.

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