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CalAcademy offers training in innovation for state employees. We build skills around:

  • Human-centered design
  • Data and analytics best practices
  • The use of new technologies to improve service delivery

CalAcademy partners with state departments to: 

  • Upskill state employees to deliver effective and equitable services 
  • Create a sustainable culture of innovation
  • Drive lasting government transformation to better serve all Californians 

Training we offer

If you want to improve your innovation skills, we have the training you need. We offer training in:

  • Data science
  • Data analytics
  • Content design
  • User research
  • Process improvement
  • User experience design
  • User journey mapping
  • Product mindset
  • Designing for equity

Staff who work with the Office of Data and Innovation (ODI) on Data and Innovation Fund projects can get direct access to CalAcademy training.

Featured training


Our mission and values

We support ODI’s mission of driving innovation across the state. We work with state staff to build their innovation, technical, and design skills. When we partner with departments to train staff, this helps sustain service improvements.

Our work increases equity. We help state staff learn how to consult and codesign with Californians. This increases the chance a service will help the people who use it.

We embrace continuous improvement. We embed process and content evaluation into our work. This helps us make iterative changes to better meet the needs of state staff.

Contact us

If you have a question about how CalAcademy can help you, email