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Appendix A: Partnerships by state department

ODI partnered with a wide range of state departments during FY 2020-21, FY 2021-22, and the first half of FY 2022-23.

  • Bureau of Cannabis Control
  • California Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency
    • Homelessness data story
    • Identifying core dataset needs
  • California Department of Education
    • Grants accelerator
  • California Department of Fish and Wildlife
    • Shared dataset development
  • California Department of Human Resources
    • Master state entity list
    • Modernizing data jobs classifications
    • PowerBI training
    • State human resources modernization initiative
  • California Department of Public Health
    • Building human-centered design capacity across the state
    • Human-centered procurement consulting
  • California Department of Social Services
    • Benefits identifier
    • CalWORKs discovery sprint
  • California Department of Technology
    • California Design System
    • Content design training
    • Master state entity list
    • Open data
    • Shared dataset development
    • ODI publishing system
    • Technology, Digital and Data Consulting Master Services Agreement
  • California Department of Transportation
    • Credit card acceptance and fee reduction
  • California Health and Human Services Agency
    • Data career fair and teams microsite
    • Interagency Data Exchange Agreement
  • California Environmental Protection Agency
    • Identifying core dataset needs
  • California Public Utilities Commission
    • Emergency Broadband Benefit user research
    • Human-centered procurement consulting
    • Lifeline website redesign
  • California Secretary of State
    • Master state entity list
  • California State Controller’s Office
    • Master state entity list
  • California State Transportation Agency
    • Identifying core dataset needs
  • California Victims Compensation Board
    • Reaching and helping victims of crime
    • Website analytics training
  • Department of Cannabis Control
    • Building human-centered design capacity across the state
    • Website analytics training
  • Department of Finance
    • Master state entity list
  • Department of Food and Agriculture
  • Department of General Services
    • Master state entity list
    • Small business procurement user research
    • Technology, Digital and Data Consulting Master Services Agreement
  • Department of Parks and Recreation
    • Shared dataset development
  • Department of Toxic Substances Control
    • Content design training
    • Public comment pilot project
  • Department of Water Resources
  • Employment Development Department
    • Benefits identifier
  • Government Operations Agency
    • Credit card acceptance and fee reduction
    • Executive order on equity
    • Recruitment innovations
    • Small business procurement user research
    • Technology, Digital and Data Consulting Master Services Agreement
  • Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development
    • Credit card acceptance and fee reduction
  • Labor & Workforce Development Agency
    • Evaluation research and training
  • Office of Emergency Services
    • Human-centered design
    • State website COVID-19 survey
    • Vaccine response research, data, and analytics
  • Office of the Governor
    • Benefits identifier
    • Homelessness data story
    • State human resources modernization initiative
  • Office of Public School Construction
    • Evaluation research and training
  • State Personnel Board
    • State human resources modernization initiative
  • State Water Resources Control Board
    • Shared dataset development